Friday, April 4, 2008

Bursed Capillaries On Arms

The guy who wanted to become a human being

Author: Jorn Riel
Publisher: Salamandra

Iceland, circa 1000. As tradition dictates, the young man embarks cladestinamente Leif to Greenland to avenge the death of his father. But when the ship sinks, Leiv lifesaving Apuluk thanks to Naru and two Inuit brothers who welcome him into their village. Thereafter, a series of adventures full of adventures and perils subject to the test their "belief" and belief, after which Leiv decide to stay with friends and become "human being", words that described the Inuit themselves. However, you must first learn commendable Inuit values \u200b\u200bbased on tolerance, friendship, mutual respect and freedom, which oppose to the Viking culture of individualism, prejudice and revenge.
From here I recommend it.


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