If there is a monument in Cadiz which is not spoken all that much, those are the walls of San Carlos (who's from the district began to call the walls of the homeless) Is there any neighborhood Cadiz where the City and other governments have invested less money?
About two or three years, some employers sent a letter to the Mayor, Councilman and Town Planning Heritage giving them some ideas, with minimal investment that could improve the current state of neglect in which this magnificent monument, and consisted of something as basic as replacing the guns were removed from the upper promenade, benches placed throughout the ride so that it is a corridor where you can walk just sit on the steps of oyster rocks or on the handrails of the same material.
They also wanted more lighting, both within the Calle Honduras, as in the walk, highlighting the walls as a monument that is sure to be the envy of most of a city if possessed.
Finally, with the problem that the City "says" you can not evict residents who have there illegal garages and storage of construction material, the Administrción could make two things: first invite them to neighbors who are holders of these vaults precariously carrying an activity there that fit the premises and that exploit a particular business. On the other hand, requires that they do enjoy the works of ornament that is asking all city residents. Forced to change the doors damaged and a place that does away with the absolute state of disrepair with the locals. Send
gardens also serve the City Council to be passed every six months to remove the tomato plants hanging from the walls, and put the paper if you want to walk around this area do not throw waste into the sea or land.
In the letter to which we refer to principio, se le proponía al Ayuntamiento crear las bóvedas de este paseo una serie de negocios que tuvieran que ver con la artesanía, con los regalos y con el "arte para llevar". No hay que olvidar que es un buen paseo por el que muchos cruceristas vuelven hacia el muelle, y al Ayuntamiento se le propuso crear "El Boulevard de los Artistas", de manera que el crucerista pudiera cargarse de regalos y compras con la tranquilidad de que el barco le queda a menos de trescientos metros de esas tiendas que darían una oportunidad a un barrio y a muchos vecinos de crear puestos de trabajo.
Lo peor de todo este asunto es que en los planes tanto del Consorcio del Bicentenario como del Ayuntamiento de Cádiz jamás se habla de este barrio emblemático, still remain among the most elegant of the city, and being one of the best sights, seems to not want to see the ridiculous way we do every Cadiz just as our own neighbors in the province (about twenty thousand cars a day) pass through "The Murallitas of the Forsaken" and see the state of neglect that is. A neighborhood, which ultimately is not even named in the coplillas of Carnival.
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