China has enormous percentage of single men, more than other countries, including so by the gender imbalance and one-child policy, practiced for decades.
So every wedding is an event in itself, no expense is spared, and it is estimated that the entire industry, cars, limousines, dresses, cakes, parties, makeup, hotels etc., Worth about 60,000 million Euros per year .
Chinese Girls love dresses large, embroidery and flowing, they need not be white.
Chinese wedding dresses are famous throughout the Middle and also exported to the West.
Given the Chinese family clan system, families get together and form new units.
For example last year, thousands of couples were married on September 9. 2009, as they believe that the date 9-09, 2009, will ensure a long and lasting union
.- In Chinese, this date is said jiu-jiu, which could be translated as "long term"
The same was true on 08 from 08 in 2008, Start date of the Olympics, and thousands of couples married that day, as the 8 (afraid that I have mentioned many times) is synonymous with prosperity and power.
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