Thursday, February 17, 2011

Place For Birthday Celebration In Bangalore

Erin Amador 1 º A describes a person

The Lord of the right is Don Epifanio, my neighbor. At No. 12, rue Ramirez, with his eldest daughter and his dog Pancho. He lives in a house so small you could say that even a pea is larger. Better not to mention the color ..... has that bright pink color, just like the strawberry chewing gum sold in the kiosk. In the front of the house is a teak bench where you sit every Sunday with his dog and his friend Don Pancho Plácido. Don Epifanio was the Second World War. Yes, yes, as you listen. "How do I know? He told me. It was Sunday I decided to sit with him on the bench, told me things amazing as he had gone to the Second World War, or had gone on an expedition to the jungle, or even that a tiger had eaten completely. Of course not all of these things are true, but I like to hear how the account. Since then, I sit with him every Sunday, and always has a new story to tell. Don Epifanio

is short, kind of thick, weak and feeble. You are elderly and living alone. Now is not very attractive, but I suppose that in his time was slim, elegant and handsome, and handsome. Don Epifanio has straight hair, weak, finite, short, and a grayish white. His eyes are special, are round, small, a little off but with a touch of mischief, sad and dark black. His complexion is dark, though a bit rosy, wrinkled. And his nose is thick, flat and very large. It has a very small mouth and thin lips and blackened teeth, yellowed and uneven. Do not have a beard, as it shaves. And his eyebrows are arched, thin and separated. Don Epifanio

I really like, I think a respectable person, and I admire mucho.Don Epifanio is a dour person, affable, pleasant, one of those people who are always cheerful, and are friendly, polite, and friendly with others, is gentle, affectionate, funny and sweet, and is always anxious to discover new things, even a funny person, intelligent, modest and sensible, we must admit that sometimes is a bit quarrelsome and moody.


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